近年来,无人机市场迅猛增长,无人机的作用也不再局限于娱乐,而是不断向更多领域融合。如今无人机在航拍、测绘、送货、救援等各个领域发挥着作用。但随之而来的还有"麻烦",看似前景无限的无人机,背后却隐藏着不少安全隐患,其中就包括可以被劫持。 Dronejacking is the hijacking of a drone, either by physically capturing the device or by compromising its navigation system. "无人机劫持"指的是劫持一架无人机,通过物理手段捕获或者通过入侵导航系统实现。 In 2016, drone technology entered the mainstream and can now be used for aerial photography, media filming, law enforcement surveillance and – if the promises from pioneering digital giants like Amazon come to fruition – home deliveries. 2016年,无人机技术进入到主流领域,现在可应用在航拍,媒体摄影,执法监督等领域。如果亚马逊等数据领域的先驱能实现其承诺,那么无人机还将用于送货上门。 Yet as more of these small flying devices take to the skies, cybersecurity experts are warning that they will inevitably become an open target for hackers. In what is being dubbed as "dronejacking", experts say cybercriminals are likely already looking at ways to exploit these devices. 随着越来越多的无人机投入使用,网络安全专家警告称,无人机不可避免地将成为黑客的公开目标。专家表示,网络罪犯很可能早已着眼于多种方式来劫持无人机,也就是"无人机劫持"。