假期马不停蹄地走亲访友,疲惫不堪,就好像经过了一次长途旅行后倒不过时差来?这其实是假日的"家庭时差"。 If Christmas leaves you so exhausted it feels like you have been on a long haul flight, there may be a good reason why. 如果圣诞假期让你感到疲惫,就好像经过了长途旅行,这其实是有原因的。 ‘Family jet lag’ is the condition people suffer when they are physically and emotionally drained by festive family trips. "家庭时差"指的是在假日的家庭旅行之后,人们感到身体和精神上都很疲惫的情况。 The stress of travel, squeezing in too many visits and the anxiety of seeing people you meet only a few times a year all take their toll. 旅行的压力,安排多次到访,以及与一年见不到几次的家人会面带来的焦虑,都会让人疲惫不堪。 Psychologists say that using limited holiday time can lead to resentment and your sleeping patterns are disrupted, just like normal jet lag. 心理学家表示,使用有限的假期时间会使人心生愤恨,睡眠模式也会被打乱,就像平时的飞行时差那样。 The net result is that you end up needing a holiday from your holiday because you are so tired at the end of it. 最后的结果就是,你在假期结束后还需要另一个假期,因为你太累了。