When I was 39, my longtime foster mom and her new husband were planning their retirement future and decided the time was right to officially add me to their newly blended family. 我39岁的时候,从小带大我的养母和她的新老伴儿在规划退休后的晚年生活,决定正式将我加入他们的重组家庭。 They asked if they could adopt me. I was quite touched. Just before leaving for family court that morning, I was getting my kids ready for school. 他们问起是否可以收养我,我着实感动。在去家庭法庭之前,我在帮孩子们上学之前做准备。 My son (age 11 at the time) looked at me quite seriously and said, "Mom, I think it’s nice that Nana and Papa want to adopt you, but … we sure are going to miss you around here." 我的儿子(当时11岁)认真的看着我,然后说:"妈妈,我觉得爷爷奶奶能够收养你这很不错。但是…我们肯定会在这里想念你的(我舍不得你)。"