面试英语口语!(面试官要问的英语问题都在这里!) 很多同学都希望到外企工作,除了薪水待遇不错之外,还有很多好处。比如,可以开拓视野,知道外企怎样高效地办公,同时也能和外国人接触,让自己的英语水平有迅速提高。那么,怎么样才能进入外企工作呢? 好的外企一般都会看学历,但是更要看能力。英语水平不行,在面试的时候就被刷掉了,英语口语表达流利的话,比那些四六级证书都更有说服力。试想一下,你能对答如流,面试官有什么理由不要你呢? 因此我们要弄懂口语面试经常说写什么,可以让你面试的时候,对答如流,从容应对,感觉小菜一碟。本文主要包括:自我介绍,谈论教育背景,谈论工作经历和经验,谈论申请该工作的原因,谈论资质和技能,谈论公司福利待遇。小编认真整理了这些优质内容,希望对大家有所帮助。第一:谈论个人细节 这部分一般要求做一分钟自我介绍,所以要把自己的姓名,年龄,毕业院校等都简单介绍。 相关句型: I'm xx (年龄)years old, graduated from XXX (学校). I'm majored in XXX(专业). I have XX (工作年限)years work experience. I once worked as a XXX (职务) in XX (公司名称) company. I was in charge of XXX (负责的工作). Because of XX (离职原因)reasons, I quit my last job. I'm a hardworking, responsible XXX (自己的性格特点)person. During my spare time , I like XXX(爱好). I'm quite interested in XXX(求职职位), so I applied for this job. I sincerely hope to get the chance to work for your company, so that I can promote myself and make my contributions to the company. 第二部分:谈论教育背景 教育背景主要问你读什么大学,学什么专业,辅修什么功课等,以便对你的知识结构有所了解。 问题:What is your educational background? 回答: I attended XXX university I graduated from XX university I majored in international trade I minored in computer science 问题:what courses did you take in college? 回答: I took such courses as.. my major subjects included...第三部分:谈论工作经验和经历 不一定没一个面试者都有工作经验,表现出好学的态度,也会得到面试官青睐。 问:Could you please share your work experience with us ? 回答: I've just graduated from university,I don't have full time job experience. Though I have no experience in this field,I'm willing to learn. I once worked as an sales manager in an international trade company. 问题:what position did you hold in that company? 回答: I was in charge of new product development. I was responsible for product selling. I was personnel manager of the company. 第四部分:谈论申请这份工作的原因 面试官一般都会问你为什么对该公司和工作感兴趣?是什么吸引了你? 问题:Why are you interested in working in our company? 回答: Your company is a famous international enterprise. I think I will be able to fully develop my abilities and obtain wider experience. I wish to get a higher salary I'd like to get an opportunity to further develop my personal ability. 第五部分:谈论资质和个人技能 如果有证书或者丰富的经验,对求职帮助很大。 问题: What qualification have you got ? 回答: I have ten years' experience in management work。 My past work experience is closely related to this job. I'm confident that I can do this well. I know a lot about how USA market works and how busines is done there. 问:Are you proficient in English? 回答: I can speak English fluently. I have passed CET6. I can communicate with foreigners in English. 问: Have you got any certificates or other licences? 回答: I've got an accounting certificate and a driving licence. I've got a certificate of Test for English Major Band Eight.第六部分:谈论薪水待遇 面试肯定要谈薪水待遇,觉得自己值多少,就说多少。毕竟面试是双向选择的过程。 问题:What starting salary would you expect ? 回答: I'd require a starting salary of 6000 yuan per month. I would expect the appropriate pay for a person with my experience and educational back ground. 作为应聘者,也可以反问面试官一些问题,比如公司有什么福利,试用期多长: What sort of fringe benefits do you offer ? Do you provide accommodation for your employees? Do you have a trial period? How long is it ? 好啦,小编就总结了这些面试常见的问题,大家面试之前,一定要做好充分准备,从一分钟英语自我介绍,到考虑可能问到的问题,都要事先准备,不然会一问三不知,哑口无言,面试官会怀疑你英语水平很差,对该公司不感兴趣,录用你的机会就不大。因此参考本文,认真准备,面试的时候才会从容镇定,对答如流,找到好工作。