1. drawing是素描或者线条画的意思,所用的工具只能是硬头的画笔,比如铅笔、钢笔等而不是软的画刷, drawing也可以指工业制图。2. painting是指用绘画颜料画出的画(油画,水彩画等);刷油漆也用painting。Example: He was looking at the pencil drawing. 他在欣赏那些铅笔素描。Example: I made a drawing of some fruits and sent it to my sister. 我画了一幅水果素描,而且把它寄给了我姐姐。Example: His little daughter is learning painting now and is always getting color all over her clothes. 他小女儿现在正在学习油画,经常把颜料弄得满身都是。Example: This painting is valuable because it was painted by a great Italian artist. 这幅油画非常珍贵,因为它是由一位著名的意大利画家画的。