新年愿望的英文(新年愿望是New Year's resolution吗?) 必克英语,专属外教一对一情景式电话教学,职场人士和妈妈们首选英语教育机构,十年品质保证。 ▼ Happy New Year Did you make a New Year's resolution? 希望新的一年大家都梦想成真 但是如果你们想明年睡到自己男神胡歌的话 I'd like to say "Well that will be the day." 意思是那样的事情不会发生 不过为了保持和谐 最好还是保持微笑说 "May your dream come true." 今天打卡练习句子 A: My boyfriend says he’s going to give up playing computer games. B: That will be the day! A:我男朋友说他要戒游戏。 B: 他能戒才怪!