全球最安全城市榜(世界最安全城市排名) 英国经济学人智库近日公布了世界主要城市安全排名,日本东京排在首位。调查针对基础设施、医疗健康、网络安全等领域的指标对世界60个城市进行了评比。 A downtown view of Tokyo。 [Photo/VCG] 英国经济学人智库8月29日公布世界最安全城市排名,日本东京在榜单中居首。该指数对各城市应对从气候灾难到网络攻击等各项事务的能力进行了排名。 Tokyo was named the world’s safest city on Thursday by the Economist Intelligence Unit, in an index ranking cities’ ability to handle everything from climate disasters to cyber attacks。 新加坡仅次于东京,位居第二,另一个日本大都市大阪排名第三,2015年和2017年的安全城市指数排行榜前三名也是这三个城市。 Singapore took second place after Japan’s capital while another Japanese metropolis, Osaka, came third - the same top three as the two previous Safe Cities Indexes of 2015 and 2017。 研究人员表示,今年60个城市的安全指数排名旨在体现"城市适应力"这一概念,即城市承受冲击并恢复的能力。 This year the index of 60 cities aimed to capture the concept of "urban resilience", which is the ability of cities to absorb and bounce back from shocks, researchers said。 resilience [rɪ‘zɪlɪəns]:n。 恢复力;弹力;顺应力 在过去十年里,由于决策者担心热浪和洪水等气候变化的影响,"城市适应力"在指导城市安全规划方面起着越来越大的作用。 This concept has increasingly steered urban safety planning during the last decade, as policymakers worry about the impacts of climate change, including heat stress and flooding。 该指数评估了四类安全:数字安全、基础设施安全、医疗保健和个人安全。 The index assessed four types of safety: digital, infrastructure, health and personal security。 Rush hour traffic in Sydney New South Wales, Australia, Feb 21, 2019。 [Photo/IC] 与前几年一样,亚太地区的城市在前十名中占多数,有六座城市上榜,包括澳大利亚悉尼(第五)、韩国首尔(第八)和澳大利亚墨尔本(第十)。 Asia-Pacific dominated the top 10, as in previous years, with six cities, including Australia’s Sydney in fifth place, South Korea’s Seoul in eighth and Australia’s Melbourne in 10th。 A night view of Seoul, Republic of Korea。 [Photo/IC] 欧洲和北美各有两座城市进入前十名。荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹位居第四、丹麦哥本哈根位居第八、加拿大多伦多位居第六、美国华盛顿位居第七。 Two European and two North American cities made it into the top 10, with the Dutch capital Amsterdam in fourth place while Denmark’s Copenhagen came eighth。 Canada’s Toronto came sixth, and the US capital, Washington D.C。, seventh。 研究人员说,最安全的城市在获得高质量的医疗卫生服务、专门的网络安全团队、社区警察巡逻和良好的灾害应对规划方面得分很高。 The safest cities scored highly on access to high-quality healthcare, dedicated cyber-security teams, community-based police patrols and good disaster planning, researchers said。 该报告驻东京编辑绀户中说:"这项研究凸显了不同类型的安全问题是如何完全交织在一起的。" "The research highlights how different types of safety are thoroughly intertwined," said Naka Kondo, the report’s Tokyo-based editor。 尽管欧洲城市在健康安全领域表现良好,但在数字安全方面得分不高,数字安全指的是公民自由使用互联网和其他数字渠道而不担心隐私侵犯或身份盗窃。 While European cities performed well in the area of health, they struggled with digital security, in terms of citizens’ ability to freely use the internet and other digital channels without fear of privacy violations or identity theft。 在公民对数字威胁的意识和专门的网络安全团队方面,排名靠前的城市数字安全得分较高,导致感染电脑病毒和被植入恶意软件的几率较低。 Top-ranking cities for digital security scored high on citizen awareness of digital threats and dedicated cyber-security teams, leading to low levels of infection by computer viruses and malware。 malware [ˈmælwɛə]:n。 恶意软件 经济学人智库全球编辑主任艾琳•米娅说:"伦敦是唯一一个跻身前十的欧洲城市。" "London is the only European city in the top 10 in this category," said Irene Mia, global editorial director of the Economist Intelligence Unit。 尼日利亚拉各斯、委内瑞拉加拉加斯、缅甸仰光、巴基斯坦卡拉奇和孟加拉国达卡被评为世界上最不安全的五个城市。 Nigeria’s Lagos, Venezuela’s Caracas, Myanmar’s Yangon, Pakistan’s Karachi and Bangladesh’s Dhaka were the world’s five least safe cities, according to the index。